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Deferred tax and Corporation Tax

How to calculate Deferred Tax and Corporation Tax at the same time ...?

  • The above calculation shows how the calculation of Corporation Tax results from calculation of deferred tax (and vice versa)
  • In order to mitigate the risk of error it is worth combining both calculations

31 Dec 2023 Year 2023 31 Dec 2022
A Gross profit ----- 500 000 -----
B Permanent differences
Entertainment expenses ----- 15 000 -----
Penalties and fines paid ----- 5 000 -----
C Negative temprorary differences
Retirement benefit obligation and similar benefits 400 000 150 000 250 000
General inventory provision 80 000 (45 000) 125 000
D Positive temprorary differences
Excess of net book value of fixed assets over their written down value of capital allowance (150 000) (50 000) (100 000)
E Deferred tax base /
Taxation base
330 000 650 000 200 000
Deferred tax 31 Dec 2023 Corporation tax for 2023 Deferred tax 31 Dec 2022
E Deferred tax base /
Taxation base
330 000 650 000 200 000
F Corporation tax (current tax) (123 500)
G Deferred tax asset /
Change of deferred tax
62 700 24 700 38 000
H Income tax charge in profit and loss account (98 800)

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